Monday, June 28, 2010

Campin' and Knittin'

I went camping Thursday and came home yesterday....what a great way to spend a weekend! It's been so steamy and hot at home that it was wonderful to get out in the woods for a few days. The weather was stormy on Thursday, but after that it was just cool mornings, warm (not hot) afternoons, and cool evenings.

We had a really torrential thunderstorm Thursday evening, but my tent doesn't leak so I didn't mind at all. I just sat inside, watching the storm through the tent window, and knitted away happily.

I took my Dragonfly socks with me, but spent most of my knitting time working on some dishcloths. I'd promised to knit a dozen for bingo prizes for our family reunion in August. I've now finished 7 of them...only 5 to go! Actually, I'm knitting them 2 at a time so I have 6 completed and am halfway through the next pair. I like knitting them 2 at a time so I don't get too terribly bored. They're good mindless knitting to do while visiting.

I hope to work a little more on my socks tonight while watching a Netflix movie. It's been a busy morning at work (I'm on my lunch break now), so I hope I'm not too tired to knit a bit when I get home!

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