Currently On My Needles

  • Socks! No matter what other projects I may have going, I always have at least one pair of socks on needles! Currently I have one pair of "plain vanilla socks", one pair of Michigan Lake Shore socks, one pair of Eggstra Special socks,and one pair of Lacy Rib socks going.
  • "Idiot's" Dishcloth - I always have these dishcloths on a set of needles. It's lovely mindless knitting for those times when you have 10 or 15 minutes to knit and don't want to get involved in a project. I found it online at Groovy Mom's website. By the way, it's not called the "Idiot's" Dishcloth because even an idiot can knit it; it's called that because the pattern can be found in "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Knitting & Crocheting". *LOL* I've recently begun knitting them 2AAT on a circular needle with 2 different colorways, just so it's a bit more interesting. You can find the pattern in my Favorite Free Knitting Patterns. You'll also find a link to an updated version of the pattern written by Pretty Knitty.
  • Parlor Cat - I'm knitting a kitty cat for a friend for Christmas.
  • Jack Russell Terrier - Another friend asked me if I'd knit her a doggie; I've completed the knitting, but still need to sew it together and stuff it.
  • TARDIS - A knitted version of Doctor Who's famed Time And Relative Dimension(s) In Space vehicle. 
  • Mom's Cushion Cover- (currently snoozing) I'm making a cushion for a small wooden bench Mom keeps in her living room. She and Daddy bought new furniture recently and she needs a new cushion for the bench. The yarn is green boucle, which is tough to work with but it working up into beautiful plushy fabric.